Saturday, January 25, 2025

Analysis for the correlation between the various parameters of earthquakes-1

For the prediction future earthquakes, we must find out the rule of the occurrence of them. My first attempt was only the observation of huge data with making various graphs and charts. I have started trying to check the correlation between the various parameters of earthquakes in the meantime. Sometimes, I have found some of the linear relationships between parameters. Next, I show one of the example.

There is one set of 3 earthquake's parameters as below,

The correlation graph between Day and M in the list is as below,

As same as Day vs M, the correlation graph between E and N in the list is as below,

Next, the correlation graph between Day and D in the list is as below,

Next, the correlation graph between M and D in the list is as below, 

Such these high strong correlation combination in one data set is rare. The epicenters are plotted on the google map as below,

Red mark  is  a epicenter in Ariake Sea. The others are shown by black circle marks.

This distance line cuts the bottom of Misumi peninsula located on the West of Kumamoto Plain. This line cuts an active fault belt named "Futagawa", which is regarded as one cause of Kumamoto Earthquake (M7.3) in 2016. "Futagawa" fault has the misalignment between Misumi side and Kumamoto side. On addition to it, there is almost straight coastline from the root of Misumi peninsula to northward. It may show there may be the fault. It might cut "Futagawa" fault.

It seems the special epicenter set with strong correlation may have some meaning.

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Distribution of Magnitude in 網走地方

Distribution of Magnitude in 網走地方  (redefined rectangle area of Abashiri region)